6 March 2010

Tube strategies

*Disclaimer: "As sarcasm doesn't translate to writing very well, I must note that everything on this blog, maybe especially this post, should be considered to be written with a sense of sarcasm." "Thank you captain Obvious." "You're welcome, lieutenant Sarcasm.")

As I tend to spend a large amount of time on the tube each week, and as the underground isn't the most exciting place to be (understatement of the century there), I've come up with some strategies to make it more interesting. One of these is following cute guys hoping they'll get on the tube I have to get, and then sitting next to them (yes, just sitting next to them, how very decent of me). Until today, this only worked out once, but I did get to sit next to the new Doctor Who that time (without knowing that he was in fact the new Doctor Who, whilst reading an article in the Evening Standard about the new Doctor Who, and eventually telling him that I hated the new Doctor Who as he could in no way live up to the old Doctor Who. Imagine my surprise when I saw the episode in which he featured as the new Doctor Who).

And I say until today, as my strategy proved rather effective again today. As I was making my way through Victoria station, I spotted a guy that, from behind, looked promising. As a (by now) experienced stalker,  I followed him around the tube station, and he happened to go to the right tube line (yes!). And of course, during the creepily-following-him-around-the-tube-station phase, I got a chance to get a better look at him, and decided to dub him 'The Gareth' as, from behind, he had a kinda of Gareth Campesinos! (that fine looking young men in the picture there) going on. Too bad he was going a bit bald and had an ugly very ugly backpack (there's only so much you can use to judge someone from behind), though a very nice but. Yup.

When we got to the platform ('we' from my point of view), and he turned around, I was shocked to find out that it was actually Gareth Campesinos!. Hoping he didn't see the initial horror on my face at my discovery, I scurried past him and had to take another few glances at him to be absolutely sure. Now, as you might have read on this blog, I've been seeing a lot of Los Campesinos! lately, and I even own a mug that says 'Go Green! Fuck a Vegetarian! signed by this particular guy. Though all of this might suggest otherwise, I am not a groupie. They just happen to be in London a lot lately and I've got a live-music addiction with my 4 gigs a week average. After having gathered enough courage, I went up to him (wow! I went up to a guy!) and we talked for a bit. As always, Gareth was really nice and I think even a bit flirtatious. He may have asked me out for tonight, which didn't really work as I was already going to the gig he was inviting me too. So I guess I'll be seeing him again tonight. Yup (and they're playing Sheperd's Bush Empire in May, should I try and score some free tickets to that tonight?).

I can now say Gareth is really looking forward to playing in Amsterdam next week, though they still have to find something interesting to do that day, as they normally just hang around the bar next to the Melkweg all day when they're there, that he can speak French, and knows Nijmegen. Though only through football, which is enough as most people have never heard of anything outside of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

So yes, if I hadn't hosted a radio show for the first time this week, this would have definitely topped the list of most exciting things happening to me this week. And could I please ask you to warn me when I'm becoming to creepy? Following men around on tube stations is just for entertainment value, if you'd have to travel by underground, you'd come up with similar schemes (I have prove that other people have!).

1 comment:

  1. GARETH! Fuckin awesome and I'm so bloody jealous!

    But to be honest, I have tube strategies as well. When I wait for the tube, I look inside the carriage to see in which part of the carriage the most cute guy(s) is sitting... then I'll sit opposite him or them and stare and that's it... Or sometimes it starts at the platform, I see a cute guy, stand next to him or see which part of the tube they're getting on and I'll go sit in the same part....

    A while ago, me and one of the Swedish guys also discussed strategies on how to talk to or 'get in touch' with hotties on the tube. He suggested putting your hand on their tigh, but I think you should only do that when you want to be arrested for sexual harrassment. When I went home, I tried the 'staring technique', just staring at someone and see what they would do. I was staring at one cute guy for a long time (he was reading a magazine, so it was safe), and he noticed I was looking at him a lot, then when he got off the tube, he actually looked back through the window to see if I was still looking.... so maybe it works! (or he just though I was a creep)

    Yes, I'm a miserable, lonely freak and I could really use a boyfriend.
