The new girl is upper class English, as in, she's got a stick up her ass so high, it would even impress the entire Royal Family. Who she's probably met. Several times. At dinner parties where everyone drinks tea with their pinky up while discussing fox hunting (that's as far as my envisionment of the Royal Family extents). We're not quite sure what she's doing her, but her mother (yes, you read that correctly) is slightly pushing her onto us. Maybe to get a picture of how people live IRL. If you still don't get the picture: she might have been on 'My Super Sweet Sixteen' a couple of years ago (we're expecting MTV to come over and install cameras to record the sequel any minute now). As all these people do, she goes to this fancy university, called UCL. Argh, who'd even want to go there?
And Robert Downey Jr winning the Golden Globe for best Actor, seriously? For his role in Sherlock Holmes(/the newest London-will-be-hosting-the-2012-Olympics promotional movie)? Seriously?
Anyway, some pictures I took this week to liven this bit up a bit:
Cruciform Builing (it's actually across the road from the other picture, literally took just 2 steps to take this picture) and UCL Hospital. I liked the juxtaposition between the old and the new building.
I don't actually go to these buildings, my building's just a regular office. But this looks slightly impressive, especially when you consider it's smack in the middle of Central London.
Click here if you'd like to see some pictures by someone who actually knows what she's doing.
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