15 April 2010

My life in London in about 5 minutes

Yup, a short summary of what I've been doing so far in England, in just over 5 minutes, made by one of my favourite bands, which is of course Los Campesinos! They've made a video of their last tour through the UK, which just so happens to capture most of my life here from 2:50 to 7:20. From: "Oh look! There's Koko!" (which is the most positive thing you can say about that venue), to Camden Lock Market, Los Campesinos! Live @ Koko (I sustained several bruises there, though the audience looks a bit tame on the video), and best of all: the disappointment of seeing Stonehenge. Also, if you're really bored, they're some bits of Kingston (where I also went to see them, and Kingston, as at the time I was still under the impression that every bit of London would have at least something to offer) from 17:30 on. I'm surprised to find that I appear to be the only blond person there, though I guess that finally proves a certain prejudice about persons of my hair colour wrong.

Oh, and in case you're wondering how my toe is doing after my second and certainly last visit to that place: it's turning slightly black at the moment, so I would be really grateful if someone would have a left foot just lying around, preferably a size 5.

UK Tour Part Deux from Los Campesinos! on Vimeo.

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