Name: Yannis Philippakis
Occupation: Singer/Guitarist Foals
Stalking location: Outside Koko
So I'm thinking about giving up my career in academia to pursue a life of stalking semi-celebrities. Today's victim can be seen on the picture on the right (I for one couldn't help snigger at the underwear-model-like-stare-in-the-camera).
The offences this time took place without a predetermined plan: he just so happened to be talking to some random people right in front of Ilse and me when we were trying to stalk Fuck Buttons-Jap outside of Koko (and discussing the political correctness of calling Fuck Buttons-Jap Fuck Buttons-Jap). After some subtle directions, Ilse also spotted him - though we might have been caught in the act at this point as Ilse seemed to have some problems locating him right behind a tall guy right in front of her (but in all honesty, Yannis is only 5' tall). Whilst discussing whether we ought to tell him he sucked in Kingston two weeks ago, he decided we were staring a bit too much in his direction and walked away. Fortunately, it only took me ten minutes or so to realise that I had to go in the same direction as Yannis, as that is where I happen to live (okay, so I had to take a short detour, but as you'll read, it was worth it). When we finally continued on our mischievous path, we found Yannis (also known as "Die Vieze Griek, since he lost his beard) talking to Fuck Buttons-Jap at the backstage entry. Oh joy! Or stalking efforts rewarded!
Of course we only walked passed them, probably giggling like schoolgirls, but still, I'm expanding my stalking activities outside the realms of Los Campesinos! which can only be good thing.
Speaking of which: De Affaire, the free music festival that happens to coincide with the 4Daagse every year, has an hapsolutely lovaly line-up this year (Sorry, I've been spending too much time on Twitter lately). Only a few acts have been announced so far (Toro Y Moi, Gold Panda, Shearwater, Errors, Holly Miranda, Post War Years), but best of all: Los Campesinos! So now all you peoplez back home can also see them, in Nijmegen, fo free! And if you don't wanna come along for the music, you can come and judge my taste in men, who apparently are balding, slightly overweight and have bad teeth and skin problems, or are, in other words: English.
(And yes, I do seem to have and endless supply of G Campesinos! pictures)
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