Today I had one those rare days when you don't actually have to do anything, so Good Friday seemed like a very good Friday to me (yes I know, that one was a bit too easy maybe). One of the things I did want to do, was go to the American Apparel rummage sale where they were selling stuff from one of my favourite stores really cheap just outside my favourite record store, which sounded very nice, in theory. However, as there was just the slightest drizzle of rain, I decided to indulge on my cheesecake leftovers in stead of travelling half way through London and risk getting my hair wet (oh, just imagine!).
Turned out I made a rather good judgement call there, as shown by the videos below. I think I'll pass on future rummage sales as well after seeing this. And is anyone else surprised by the fact that virtually everyone there is filming the event?
Is dit op Brick Lane? Hahahaha echt mega wtf-gehalte. Wou echt dat ik er bij was! :D Het lijkt bijna nep... vooral als die boy op die auto springt hahahahaa