6 February 2010

And the nominees are...

Nope, this is not gonna be related to the Oscars in any way, even though I did just see 'Precious' and I must say that it's by far the best film I've seen this year (for whatever that's worth). No, this is about me being nominated for an Arts prize at UCL. Yes, you have read that correctly.

Not that it's a big deal or something: every single member of the reviews team of Rare.FM got nominated. But still, it's a nice thought. Though I now do feel like I should put a bit more effort into it as the two gig reviews I've written for them so far are about the shittiest reviews I've written in my whole life (not that I'd really know anyway, as I never seem to have the courage to reread anything that's published under my name anyway).


  1. Hongera!

    Hope you win a large amount of money..
    Although you probably you just want more concerttickets..


  2. Gefeliciteerd!

    Groetjes Mariska
